
Faculty of Physical Sciences, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Uli Campus, Anambra State, Nigeria.




Professor K. K. Nwozor

Dean, Faculty of Physical Sciences Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University



Managing Editor

Professor I.J. Mgbeafulike


Phone: +2348035512511


Operation and Production Manager

Dr Jude C. Obi


Advert and Marketing Manager

Dr O.C. Onyemesili


Editorial Board Members

Professor O. C. Okeke                   Department of Computer Science, COOU

Professor C. F. R. Odumodu          Department of Geology, COOU

Professor L. N. Onuba                   Department of Geology, COOU

Professor B. N. Nfor                      Department of Geology, COOU

Dr E. N. Ugwuonah                       Department of Geology, COOU

Dr K.  C. Chiadikobi                      Department of Geology, COOU

Professor L. N. Ezenwaka             Department of Industrial Physics, COOU

Professor I. E. Ottih                       Department of Industrial Physics, COOU

Professor U. V. Okpala                  Department of Industrial Physics, COOU

Dr E. O. Onyebueke                       Department of Industrial Physics, COOU

Professor P. A. Oraekie                 Department of Mathematics, COOU

Dr J. E. Okeke                                Department of Mathematics, COOU

Dr R. N. Ujumadu                          Department of Mathematics, COOU

Professor C. A. Odilora                 Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, COOU

Professor E. N. Ojiako                   Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, COOU

Professor R. E. Enemuo                 Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, COOU

Dr P. I. Chukwu                             Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, COOU

Dr C. N. Okoli                                Department of Statistics, COOU

Dr C. O. Aronu                               Department of Statistics, COOU


Editorial Advisory Board

Professor O. I. Chiaghanam           Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University

Professor G. C. Obi                        Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University

Professor L. N. Muoghalu             Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University

Professor W. C. Nwafia                 Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University

Professor A. I. Olayinka                University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria

Professor I. M. Adekunle               Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

Professor M. Y. Waziri                  Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria

Professor F. N. Ogwueleka            University of Abuja, Nigeria

Onuoha, C. C.                                 Central Design Technology Ltd, Abuja, Nigeria

Dr E. E. Ibeke                                 Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, United Kingdom

Professor M. N. Chendo                Chemical Society of Nigeria

Professor O. J. Ojo                         Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society

Professor A. S. Sodiya                   Nigeria Computer Society

Dr G. U. Ebuh                                Nigerian Statistical Association

Professor H. O. Aboh                   Nigeria Institute of Physics Professor

B. Ali                                               Nigerian Mathematical Society



Chukwuemeka   Odumegwu   Ojukwu   University   Journal   of   Physical   Sciences COOUJPS) aims to publish original research articles, reviews, technical reports, research notes and short communications in all areas of Physical Sciences and allied fields. Each edition of the journal is a product of resilient double- blind peer-review mechanism that comprises experts and technical authorities in designated fields of study. The Editorial Board is committed to an all-round improvement in the quality of the journal and published articles. Therefore, we invite prospective authors to always abide by the journal’s Instructions for Authors. We are grateful to the Vice Chancellor of COOU,  Professor  Greg  C. Nwakoby,  the Deputy  Vice  Chancellors  of  COOU, Professor O. I. Chiaghanam and Professor M. Ananti as well as all members of both the Editorial Board and Editorial Advisory Board for their kind efforts in ensuring the journal meets its set goals.


Professor K. K. Nwozor

PhD (NAU, Nig.), PhD (Aberdeen, UK) Editor-In-Chief


Chukwuemeka   Odumegwu   Ojukwu   University   Journal   of   Physical   Sciences COOUJPS) aims to publish original research articles, reviews, technical reports, research notes and short communications in all areas of Physical Sciences and allied fields.

Each edition of the journal is a product of resilient double- blind peer-review mechanism that comprises experts and technical authorities in designated fields of study.

The Editorial Board is committed to an all-round improvement in the quality of the journal and published articles.

Therefore, we invite prospective authors to always abide by the journal’s Instructions for Authors.

We are grateful to the Vice Chancellor of COOU,  Professor  Greg  C. Nwakoby,  the Deputy  Vice  Chancellors  of  COOU, Professor O. I. Chiaghanam and Professor M. Ananti as well as all members of both the Editorial Board and Editorial Advisory Board for their kind efforts in ensuring the journal meets its set goals.